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Tag: great

Articles tagged as Great

Wrongful Death Lawyers

Posted on October 24, 2022 by Michael Smith
Wrongful death refers to a lawsuit that alleges that the victim was killed as a result of negligence or misdeed of another.Usually, wrongful death occurs as a result of personal injury accidents, medical malpractice, auto accidents, workplace accidents, dangerous or defective products, mesothelioma and other accidents.When the proximate cause of the wrongful death of the decedent roots from reckless, careless or negligent acts of another, his actions are often subject to personal injury and/or wrongful death suits...

How to Talk to the Police if Your Suspected of a Crime

Posted on February 10, 2022 by Michael Smith
If you are suspected of a crime, the police can come to your house or work or find you on the road to speak with you.Usually it'll be a detective in plain clothes in an unmarked car who will want to speak with you.You may find a card from the detective under your door, or a message on your phone from him asking you to call.You always have the right to stay silent, as anything you say to a police detective will be used against you in court...